
外贸猫小姐 2024-07-01 13:53:15
👉🏻做外贸久了经常会遇到这些问题: ①客户说:价格太贵了 ②客户说:我再考虑下 ③客户一上来就讨价还价 ④客户说:蕞低价多少 ⑤客户下订单后表示感谢 这些问题你都是怎么回复的呢? 🔻我整理了一些好用的话术,分享给大家! ——💬—— ①客户说:价格太贵了 ❌ 千万别说一分价钱一分货 ✅ 这时候和客户纠缠价格是没有意义的,把注意点转移到产品的价值上,引导客户注意到产品的附加价值(售后、技术、服务等)。或者问客户的参照物是什么? 👉🏻 话术参考: I know our cost is not lowest on the market, as it includes our comPany's reasonable margin, which includes the top level of Quality control and the decent after service. I think you also want to find a good and stable supplier for long term, you can make a try order to compare everything details. You will know who is the right choice. ——💬—— ②客户说:我再考虑下 ❌ 千万别说好的,您慢慢考虑 ✅ 客户说考虑其实是对产品/服务可能还存在顾虑,如果你回复OK你考虑吧,很可能这就是你们蕞后一次谈话了。比较好的做法是共情客户、同时及时搞清楚客户的顾虑在哪,针对性给出方案。 👉🏻 话术参考: I totally understand your concerns. When it comes to selecting products, it's important to be caution and deliverate as you are. May I ask which specific products you are concerned about? I've been in this industry for nearly 6 years now, and I believe I can offer you more professional advice, provide assistance and help you solve any problems. What do you think? ③......
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