
览特说职场 2024-06-19 12:41:02
6. 避免过于消极的词句 Bad: "I can’t" Better: "I’m unable to" or "It’s challenging for me to" Bad: "This is a problem" Better: "This is a challenge" or "We have an issue to address" 7. 避免太多口头禅和无意义的词句 Bad: "You know" Better: Just eliminate it or replace it with a brief pause Bad: "Like" Better: Just eliminate it or use "such as" if it introduces an example 8. 避免太多缩略词和简写 Bad: "LOL", "BTW", "FYI" in formal emails Better: "Laughing out loud", "By the way", "For your information" 9. 避免含糊不清的词句 Bad: "We need this soon" Better: "We need this by [specific date/time]" Bad: "I’ll get back to you later" Better: "I will get back to you by [specific date/time]" 10. 避免强制性和命令式的词句 Bad: "You must" Better: "Could you please" or "Would it be possible to" Bad: "Do this" Better: "Please complete this" or "Could you handle this"
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  • 2024-06-20 15:02


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  • 2024-06-20 06:59
