
览特说职场 2024-06-19 12:27:34
1. 避免使用俚语和口语化表达 Bad: "I'm gonna" Better: "I am going to" Bad: "Wanna" Better: "Want to" Bad: "Cool" Better: "That sounds good" 2. 避免过于随意或不正式的用语 Bad: "Hey" Better: "Hello" or "Hi" Bad: "Bye" Better: "Goodbye" or "Best regards" Bad: "Thanks a lot" Better: "Thank you very much" or "I appreciate it" 3. 避免不清楚或模糊的词句 Bad: "ASAP" Better: "As soon as possible" Bad: "Stuff" Better: "Materials" or "Items" Bad: "Thing" Better: Specify the object or matter 4. 避免负面或强硬的词句 Bad: "You should have" Better: "It would have been better if" Bad: "I don’t agree" Better: "I see your point, but" Bad: "You’re wrong" Better: "I have a different perspective" or "I believe there might be another way to look at this" 5. 避免不礼貌或攻击性的语言 Bad: "That’s stupid" Better: "I don’t think that will work" or "I have some concerns about that approach" Bad: "You didn’t understand" Better: "Let me clarify" or "I might not have explained that clearly"
0 阅读:1
  • 2024-06-20 14:02
