
小琪说健身 2024-06-13 12:12:47
让我来试试戒碳水到底会怎么样。下篇文章分享。一般认为不吃碳水people will experienced mood swing, memories loss, (brain function)not willing to move, (physical function)loss their sex drive or stop their period,(reproduction function) hair loss and loss of elasticity of skin,(cell growth and renewal) or worse, temporary shut down of hearing and seeing ability。 when people try to force energy deficits by doing lots of cardio it’s useless energy expenditure because we have to eat back all the carbs to maintain healthy functions of our body. Otherwise, Your metabolism will decrease, you will want to eat more than you need and your body will store more fat for future crisis like this. That’s why the only way to increase fat cell number is by long term energy deficits. That’s why I never let my body goes to energy deficits on purpose or for a long period of time. your body will just decrease energy expenditure. However there are some benefits related to fasting for a short period of time. 看看是不是这样
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