
雪旋逆袭学霸 2024-06-07 12:36:46
一、“first of all”的高级替换 (13种) 1、at first 起初;开始 一At first the place was strange to me. 一起先我对这个地方不熟悉。 2、above all 首先;尤其是 一Above all, I never hid the truth, least of all from you. 一我从不隐瞒事实,尤其是对你。 3、at the beginning 起初 一At the beginning, she didn't like the humidity here, but got used to it as time went by. 一起初,她不喜欢这里这么潮湿。时间久了,也就习惯了。 4、to begin with 首先 一To begin with, i want to extend my thanks to my parents. 一首先,我想感谢我的父母。 5、to start with 首先 一To start with it's much too expensive... 一首先是太贵… 6、the first one 第一个 一He was the first one to top the mountain peak. 一他是第一个登上山顶的人。 7、in the first place 第一的;最初的 一I mean, that's why we put them in office in the first place. 一我的意思是,那正是当初我们选他们的原因。 8、in the first instance 起初,首先 一In the first instance I was inclined to refuse, but then i reconsidered. 一起初我想拒绝,但后来还是从头考虑了
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