
文案巧思坊 2024-06-27 20:41:58

1. 每次你一约,她就说“好”,这不是因为她闲得慌,而是因为她的心,早已被你预订。

*Every time you invite her, she says "yes," not because she's idle, but because her heart has already been booked by you.*

2. 如果她答应和你一起去旅行,那不是她喜欢冒险,而是她愿意和你一起,探索未知的甜蜜。

*If she agrees to travel with you, it's not that she likes adventure, but that she's willing to explore the unknown sweetness with you.*

3. 当她让你触碰她的内心,不是她突然变得脆弱,而是她找到了可以信赖的肩膀,愿意让你看到她的柔软。

*When she allows you to touch her heart, it's not that she has suddenly become vulnerable, but that she has found a reliable shoulder and is willing to let you see her softness.*

4. 她的“好”不是礼貌的敷衍,而是她内心深处,对你无声的告白。

*Her "yes" is not a polite perfunctory, but a silent confession from the depths of her heart to you.*

5. 她答应和你一起旅游,不是她对风景感兴趣,而是她对你这个人,充满了好奇和期待。

*She agrees to travel with you, not because she is interested in the scenery, but because she is full of curiosity and anticipation for you.*

6. 当她允许你进入她的内心世界,不是她突然变得开放,而是她已经把你,当作了最特别的存在。

*When she allows you into her inner world, it's not that she has suddenly become open, but that she has already regarded you as the most special existence.*

7. 女人的“好”不是随便说说,那是她用行动在说“我喜欢你”,比任何言语都要响亮。

*A woman's "yes" is not said casually, it's her saying "I like you" with her actions, louder than any words.*

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