
小琪说健身 2024-05-30 12:12:42
随着健身时间的增加,用来维持效果需要的精力和时间会越来越少,但积累的效果却非常容易保持。比如你已经训练5年,拥有了想要的身材,此后可以 只花30%的原有训练量就能维持这个非常高阶的状态,你的力量和身材在训练 量减少后都不会有太大的变化。 如果不减少训练量,你甚至5~10年都会持续进步,当然进步的速度会越 来越慢,因为人的身体最终会适应,不过整体我们还是在变好。所以在所有运 动方法之中,健身和肌肉训练会让我们瘦得更多更久,并且效果更好。 the exercise itself doesn’t help us burn fat, but act as a signal for the body to build muscle, and it will make us burn more fat after the exercise using epoc. Breathing more after exercise, and repair muscle damage and generate new muscle cells all use fat as fuel. That’s why muscle training can help us decrease fat cell size. (That’s how fat works, the number of fat cells don’t increase after we hit maturity, unless we go on extreme diet. and don’t decrease unless we take them out physically. But the size of fat cell change. So we should use the term shrink for fat cell, however, burn is what people are more familiar with and can understand so I will use term that’s easier to understand.)
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  • 2024-06-15 09:43


  • 2024-06-15 08:55

    眼看着你从以前瘦瘦的纤细美女到现在的力量型 果然审美是会变得 不过一直都很好看

  • BOA 1
    2024-06-15 10:18
