
外贸猫小姐 2024-04-24 12:34:53
帮大家整理了20句外贸实际业务中可以用上的跟进话术,结合实际修改~ · ✅ 当你多次连系客户但没有得到回复: I've noticed that you haven't responded to my previous eMail. Is everything alright? I'm keen to know if you need any assistance. · ✅ 当你想得到客户的反馈: I'm reaching out to inQuire if there's anything we can do to further enhance our service for you. · ✅ 当你想给客户提供额外的帮助: Can I offer any additional support or resources to assist with your project? Your success is our priority. · ✅ 当客户表现出对产品/服务的兴趣: Thank you for showing interest in our products/ services. Would you like more information or samples? · ✅ 当需要更新客户需求并重新制定计划: Have there been any changes or updates to your previous reQuirements? Please let us know so we can adjust accordingly. · ✅ 当客户初次发来询盘: Thank you for your inQuiry! Is there any additional information or samples I can provide to further assist you? ...
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