
小琪说健身 2024-04-22 12:16:09
上篇vlog发了 疫情后期因为过度训练+其他原因一年多没健身🙂后来又随便吃胖了二三十磅😂恢复健身后用我疫情期间研究的重训新方法外加lhrom练法逐渐恢复身材。期间体脂随着饮食季节变换和生理周期会忽上忽下,但整体还是在变好变瘦的。今天聊聊训练重训及lhrom后身体的变化🙂 What can you expect after this type of training?we will see increasing strength, increasing muscle size, better posture, and decreasing body fat percentage after the training. those will start to show in a few weeks, and it takes a few months to have a noticeable result. but what can you expect right after the training is more energy on the day of training. more sleeping time require on the day and the day after the training because your brain need to grow new neuron connections which will consume more energy. then you will feel a lack of mobile ability 2 days after the training because this is the day when your muscle is repairing itself and when it is repairing its damage you won’t be able to use it as much. you may feel pain while you move or simply unable to move or lift up any weight and that is from muscle fatigue and repair process.
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  • 2024-06-21 11:22
