
小琪说健身 2024-04-13 12:56:25
Eat what we use Don’t eat more than we need and that way we can maintain energy balance and may achieve fat loss muscle building and maintain energy level at the same time. The secret is about knowing the three elements. How much of them are in the food we use, and how much we need or consume on a daily basis. Three elements are fat carb protein. Fat for basic metabolism and it’s great for fat loss and make us stay not hungry and not go into extreme energy deficits so our metabolism won’t decrease too much. Protein is for growth and muscle building. Eat what we need. Which is from your body weight in kg to your body weight in lb all the way up to your height in terms of gram of protein you eat every day. Chicken breast milk and egg are good sources of protein, the latter two are also good source for fat. carb. Make us move think and feel good. But it’s also the easiest to over intake and cause fat gain. When I try to loss weight I try to have a balance macro with a multivitamin。
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