
去冰三分糖语言 2024-04-05 02:32:01
玩HelloTalk如何开聊,当然是从提问开始啦,一问一答才能聊起来[doge],给你总结了20个回复率超高的日常口语问句,拿走不谢[kissR][kissR] 1. What's the most memorable thing you've ever done? 问记忆最深刻的事 2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? 想去哪旅行呢 3. What's your favorite book or movie? 最喜欢的书📚或电影🎦 4. What's your favorite type of food? 最喜欢的食物🍣 5. Do you have any pets?🐱 你有宠物吗 6. What's your favorite hobby or pastime? 问爱好🏀 7. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 是早起人还是夜猫子🦉 8. What's your favorite way to relax? 最喜欢的放松方式😌 9. Have you ever learned a new language? 想学新语言吗 10. What's your favorite season and why? 问季节❄️ 11. Do you prefer city life or countryside life? 你喜欢城市🏙️还是乡村生活 12. What's your favorite sport to play or watch? 最喜欢的运动🏃🏻‍♀️ 13. Are you a music lover? What's your favorite genre? 最喜欢的音乐🎵 14. What's your favorite quote or piece of advice? 最喜欢的名言或者观点🔥 15. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 想要什么超能力✈️ 16. Do you believe in ghosts or the supernatural? 相信👻存在吗 17. What's your favorite thing to do with friends? 和朋友最喜欢做什么呢 18. Are you a planner or a spontaneous person? 喜欢计划还是随机行动呢 19. What's your dream vacation spot? 梦想中的🏕️露营点 20. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be? 如果🉑以见一个历史人物,会是谁呢 [氛围感R]这些问题提供一个有趣和吸引人的方式来了解新朋友,不管他们的母语是不是英语。涵盖了一系列的话题❗,从爱好和兴趣到个人信仰和梦想[哇R][哇R],能让你更多地了解你正在交谈的人[喝奶茶R]
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