
去冰三分糖语言 2024-04-01 15:20:40
还有粉丝在问我HelloTalk上如何和外国人开启聊天,有一个超有趣[喝奶茶R]的破冰的方式就是问冷笑话问题,比howareyou好用一万倍[赞R] 1️⃣ Q: Which runs faster, hot or cold? A: Hot. Everyone can catch a cold. (catch有抓住的意思,catch a cold是感冒的意思) 2️⃣ Q: Where do cows go on dates? A: MOOOOvies (date是约会的意思,Moo为牛叫声,movie是电影院的意思) 3️⃣ Q: What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie? A: I scream (ice cream). (ice cream意为冰淇淋,两者发音相似) 4️⃣ Q: How can you tell the ocean is friendly? A: It waves. (wave有波涛翻滚的意思,也有挥手致意的意思) 5️⃣ Q: What kind of witch likes the beach? A: A SAND witch (sandwich) (Sandwich是三明治的意思,两者发音相似) 6️⃣ Q: Why did the boy throw the butter out the window? A: To see a butterfly! (butter是黄油,fly是飞,但butterfly是蝴蝶的意思) 7️⃣ Q: What room is a dead man most afraid of? A: The living room! (living是活着的意思,而living room则是客厅、起居室的意思) 8️⃣ Q: What dog keeps the best time? A: A watchdog. (watchdog意为看门狗, watch有看的意思,但也有手表的意思。) 9️⃣ Q: What did one candle say to the other candle? A: Are you going out tonight? (out有出去的意思,也有熄灭的意思) 🔟 Q: What did the blanket say to the bed? A: Don’t worry. I got you covered. (cover一有覆盖的意思,二有保护的意思)
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