
外贸猫小姐 2024-03-28 22:26:03
外贸人应该都对客户说“太贵了”不陌生,经常有客户用这个理由来砍价或者拒绝。但要想提高自己的成交概率,不要急着去和客户解释,学会用这5种话术应对,成单率直线飙升!📈 - 1️⃣ 爱讲价的客户 We understand that budget is a key consideration for you. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible solution tailored to your needs. Perhaps we can discuss how we might adjust the scope or terms to better align with your financial expectations? 我们能够理解预算是您的一个重要考虑因素,我们的目标是根据您的需求为您提供蕞佳的处理方案。或许我们可以讨论如何调整范围或者条款,来更好地符合您的预算? - 2️⃣ 比较挑剔的客户 I have sent to you the certificate of analysis, I think you have found the differences between our products and other suppliers'. The decomposing temperature of our product is 193-196 degrees. But all the others' are above 205 degrees...... 我已将分析证..书发送给您,我想您已经发现了我们的产品与其他供应商的产品之间的差异。 我们产品的分解温度为193-196度。 但其他的都在205度以上…… - 3️⃣ 贪便宜的客户 I understand some products are cheap, but they'll actually cause many refund problems. In this way, which do you think is a better deal? 现在市场上有些东西看起来价格低,但同时也可能预示着更多的售后问题,这样来看,您觉得哪种更划算呢?
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