
念云评教育 2024-03-08 12:08:28
❗专八倒计时40天⏳ ❗挑战40天拿下专八翻译✌🏻 . [氛围感R]篇44:勾栏瓦舍🌷 🏮节选自《zg文化概论》(去年专八题源) . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 🏮宋词、宋画 Song lyrics and Song paintings 🏮精致辽阔的上层文化世界 a refined and expansive upper cultural realm 🏮在人头攒动的瓦舍勾栏中成长起来的野俗而生动的市民文化 the vibrant folk culture nurtured among bustling tile-roofed houses and crowded alleys 🏮大都市 metropolises 🏮市民文化 the folk culture 🏮瓦舍 washe (tile-roofed house) 🏮勾栏 goulan 🏮眼花缭乱的文艺节目 dazzling artistic spectacles 🏮杂技、讲史、说书 acrobatics, storytelling, and historical narratives 🏮不可忽视的社会存在 an undeniable social presence . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R] 翻译没有标准答案,仅供参考[两颗心R]
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