
念云评教育 2024-03-07 12:07:15
❗专八倒计时40天⏳ ❗挑战40天拿下专八翻译✌🏻 . [氛围感R]篇43:信心比黄金珍贵🌷 🏮节选自《理解当代zg》 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 🌂路途越是坎坷,抵达就越显珍贵 The rougher the journey, the more precious the arrival becomes. 🌂经历了风雨洗礼 experienced storms and obstacles 🌂取得了沉甸甸的收获 achieved significant gains 🌂新时代的中国天高海阔、气象万千 China in the new era boasts vastness and diversity. 🌂奋斗者、攀登者、实干家 those who strive, ascend, and work hard 🌂坚定信心 remain resolute in our faith/stay confident 🌂攻坚克难 overcome obstacles and challenges 🌂磅礴力量 a remarkable force 🌂迈向更加幸福美好的未来 embrace a happier and brighter future . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R] 翻译没有标准答案,仅供参考[两颗心R]
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