
念云评教育 2024-03-03 12:05:12
❗专八倒计时50天⏳ ❗挑战50天拿下专八翻译✌🏻 . [氛围感R]篇42:中国文化🌷 🏮节选自《中国文化概论》(去年专八题源) . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 🏮生生不息的 ever-evolving and dynamic 🏮浩如烟海的文化典籍 an extensive collection of culturalics 🏮嘉惠世界的科技工艺 technological craftsmanship benefiting the world 🏮精彩纷呈的文学艺术 a rich variety of literature and art 🏮完备深刻的道德伦理 a comprehensive and profound set of moral and ethical principles 🏮共同 collectively 🏮先辈传承下来的丰厚遗产 a rich heritage passed down by our ancestors 🏮并不只是博物馆里的陈列品,而是有着活的生命 not confined to museums but a living force . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R] 翻译没有标准答案,仅供参考[两颗心R]
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