
念云评教育 2024-03-02 00:20:27
今天是第39个教师节💐🌷 这些关于教师、教育英语名言你知道吗? 写作用进去,立马高大尚! 择几句和大家分享~ 📌 Teaching others teaches yourself. 教学相长。 📌 The main objective of teaching is not to give explanations, but to knock at the doors of the mind. — Tagore 教育的主要目的不是给出解释,而是敲开思想的大门。——泰戈尔 📌 What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.— Joseph Addison 教育之于灵魂,犹如雕刻之于大理石。—— 约瑟夫·阿狄生 📌 The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.-William A. Ward 普通的老师告诉你是什么,好的老师告诉你为什么。卓越的老师证明给你看,伟大的老师激发你的潜能。——威廉•亚瑟•沃德 📌 The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. -Martin Luther King, Jr. 教育的作用是教人集中思考和批判性思考。——马丁·路德·金。
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