
念云评教育 2024-02-20 12:04:24
❗挑战50天拿下专八翻译 . [氛围感R] 篇34:春节与文化年货 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 辞旧迎新的“时间之年” a time of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new 内涵丰富的“文化之年” a year rich in cultural significance 文化年货 cultural goods for the Spring Festival 文化供给 cultural offerings 真切而多元的文化体验 genuine and diverse cultural experiences 中国文化源远流长,中华文明博大精深 the enduring nature of Chinese culture and the profoundness of Chinese civilization 坚定文化自信 strengthen cultural confidence 推动文化繁荣 promote cultural prosperity 建设文化强国 build a strong cultural nation 建设中华民族现代文明 construct a modern Chinese civilization . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R]
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