
念云评教育 2024-01-27 12:10:35
❗还不会有人不知道外语专业考试出题换风向了吧! 📣24年起的「专四、专八&考研」外语类考试都会纳入中国特色相关内容的政经翻译吧! . [氛围感R] 学而不思则confused, 思而不学则die ✨今天一起打卡“中国成就篇”🙌 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 梦想接连实现 dreams become reality 接力腾飞 soared into the heavens 空间站全面建成 space station was fully completed “太空之家”遨游苍穹 “home in space” is roving in the deep-blue sky 航母“福建号”下水 aircraft carrier Fujian was launched 大飞机正式交付 large passenger aircraft was delivered 水电站全面投产 hydropower station went into full operation 无数人的辛勤付出和汗水 the sweat and toil of the numerous Chinese people 点点星火,汇聚成炬 Sparks of talent are coming together . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R]
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