
念云评教育 2024-01-25 12:22:11
❗还不会有人不知道外语专业考试出题换风向了吧! 📣24年起的「专四、专八&考研」外语类考试都会纳入中国特色相关内容的翻译吧! . [氛围感R] 试着译一译中国社会篇 🙌 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 社会节奏很快 in our fast-paced society 是家事也是国事 These issues matter to every family, and they are also a top priority of the government 营造温暖和谐的氛围 foster a warm and harmonious atmosphere 拓展包容活跃的创新空间expand the inclusive and dynamic environment for innovation 让大家心情愉快、人生出彩、梦想成真 the people can live happy lives, bring out their best, and realize their dreams . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R]
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