
富甲北京 2024-09-02 16:20:29

The Point住宅是一座将功能需求、层次性、可塑性、自然光线、景观、模糊的室内外界限,以及与自然景观的独特联系完美结合的家庭住宅。建筑元素根据功能、结构层次和隐私级别有序地组织在一起,形成了一系列相互独立又紧密联系在一起的建筑体量。

A family home unites the demands of an extensive program with hierarchy, plasticity, natural light, views, blurring of interior/exterior space and a unique connection to the natural landscape. Building elements are organized into attached/detached pavilions based on program, hierarchy of structure and levels of privacy.

▼湖畔视角,viewing from the lake©Aaron Lietz

▼面向花园的住宅立面,facade facing the garden©Aaron Lietz

▼入口立面,entrance facade©Aaron Lietz

▼入口水景,waterscape at the entrance©Aaron Lietz


The pavilions are dislocated around a unifying north/south glass spine/bridge that allows for an abundance of natural light, compelling vistas through the building to the surrounding landscape, lake, and beyond. The push-pull of building elements around the organizing circulation spine generates intriguing exterior landscaped spaces that inhabit the zones between each pavilion. A simple, cyclical palette of wood, stone, concrete, steel, and expansive window walls allow the architecture to recede and let nature take center stage.

▼小庭院,courtyard©Benjamin Benschneider

▼入口水景,waterscape at the entrance©Benjamin Benschneider

▼水景与连廊,waterscape and glazing corridor©Benjamin Benschneider

▼细部,details©Benjamin Benschneider


A series of water features reinforce the pavilion’s relationship to the lake. A spring box at the edge of the auto court and a spring box west of the two main pavilions feed water features which appear to flow under the buildings into a larger architectonic water feature. This water feature then pours into a larger body of water that was developed to feel like a native pond adjacent to the lake. This pond is connected visually (and when it rains, literally) to the lake beyond.

▼夜景,night view©Benjamin Benschneider

▼户外生活区,outdoor living space©Benjamin Benschneider


Terraces are positioned adjacent to primary living areas in order to further integrate the buildings to the site. The existing monolithic bulkhead is pierced by three new coves that restore the lakeshore back to its imagined natural beauty which in-turn allows the family to enjoy activities at the water’s edge. A hidden stone patio to the north creates a private space to engage the lakeshore, and two outdoor rooms with fire pits were placed at some distance from the pavilions for the family to enjoy the lake at night.

▼人工水池,artificial pond©Aaron Lietz

▼建筑与景观的结合,combination of architecture and landscape©Benjamin Benschneider


In order to directly connect the main living areas of the house to the adjacent lakeshore, large concrete “lily pads” were designed, which appear to float on the water feature, and provide dry passage over it between the house and the main terrace. In order to balance the environmental impact of a large pre-existing lawn, the remaining gardens utilize a palette of contextually appropriate native plant materials. The end result is a seamless integration of architecture, landscape architecture, and nature.

▼露台,terrace©Aaron Lietz

▼大型混凝土“睡莲垫”,large concrete “lily pads”©Aaron Lietz

▼漂浮于水面的路径,path floating on the water©Benjamin Benschneider


Low-E energy efficient double-pane thermally broken steel windows and doors made from 100% recycled materials with narrow sight lines allow for unobstructed views of the surrounding landscape, maximize daylighting, and provide passive ventilation. High R-value foamed-in-place insulation was utilized throughout the structure for an energy efficient envelope. Geothermal energy is captured to heat/cool the building through radiant floor heating/cooling.

▼客厅,living room©Aaron Lietz

▼大面积的落地窗,large area of floor-to-ceiling windows©Aaron Lietz

▼餐厅,dining area©Aaron Lietz

▼厨房,kitchen©Aaron Lietz

▼走廊,corridor©Aaron Lietz

▼玄关,entrance area©Benjamin Benschneider

▼客厅,living room©Benjamin Benschneider

▼壁炉,fireplace©Benjamin Benschneider

▼开放式的厨房与客厅,open living- kitchen©Benjamin Benschneider

▼餐厅,dining area©Benjamin Benschneider


Ultraviolet water purification systems along with natural in-place filtering beds within the water features allow for the use of recirculated/recycled water and lake water can be utilized as auxiliary irrigation (as allowed by the local jurisdiction) to conserve fresh water.

▼卧室,bedroom©Aaron Lietz

▼卧室细部,details of the bedroom©Aaron Lietz

▼套房浴室,bathroom©Aaron Lietz

▼卧室,bedroom©Aaron Lietz

▼浴室,bathroom©Aaron Lietz

▼书房,study©Benjamin Benschneider

▼卧室夜景,night views of the bedroom©Benjamin Benschneider

▼浴室,bathrooms©Benjamin Benschneider

▼洗手池,washing basin©Benjamin Benschneider

▼楼梯,staircase©Benjamin Benschneider

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