
设计日本 2024-09-29 11:49:55


In the designer's blueprint, the original structure of space has been transformed and reshaped, containing the story of home in a more diverse form. A large number of artistic elements embellish the whole, shaping a perfect life scene, and at the same time generating more interactive feelings.


White and wood colors are selected as the main colors of the space, which combines the tenderness of white and the warmth of wood to create a rich atmosphere of home. Arc-shaped elements are dotted everywhere, interpreting the softness and easygoing of space with exquisite beauty, giving time a more romantic meaning. The storage cabinets, herringbone splicing boards and black pianos are gathered one by one, making the home more full.


Dining room and kitchen express their love for life with geometric artistic beauty, and the colorful paintings on the wall echo the outline beauty of the ceiling above with delicate line beauty, echoing each other and bringing out the best in each other. The beauty of geometry is never absent indoors. The placement of seats and dining tables and the design of indoor patterns all show the beauty of geometry. The fashionable chandeliers and fresh green plants are used as decorations and as part of the home.


The design of the living room pays more attention to the creation of the inner atmosphere of the space, and the color shades are matched, showing the beauty of rhythm. The open layout allows the bed to enjoy the central position, and the window is transformed into a rest area, making life more leisurely and comfortable, and the lights are dizzy with warmth, creating a free texture.


The design of children's room is wonderful, and the designer has created a perfect place to play in a limited area. On one side of the bed is the stairs, above which is the children's playground, and below which is the rest area, which is very convenient. Bookshelves stand against the wall, and guitars and electric toys are also available.

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