
英语一点 2024-09-11 19:24:29

To warm-blooded creatures, the crisp, cool nights of September are invigorating. But cold- blooded insects are at the mercy of the sun and now their clocks run down. The cicada is stilled. The chorus of the cricket and katydid diminishes. When they rasp at all it is with the deliberate tempo of a fiddler drawing a worn bow across fraying strings.


Now come the hoarding days. Mice have been harvesting and stowing seed for weeks. The chipmunk lines his winter bedroom, and squirrels hide the nut trees’ bounty. The woodchucks, gorging on grass and clover and fruit, lay up their harvest in body fat under their own skins.


The flickers begin to gather for migration. All summer these big woodpeckers were resolutely individual, busy with family life and wanting no company. Now they are gregarious, with time for tribal gossip and community play. The warblers and swallows have already formed in pre-migration flocks; soon the robins will be gathering too. Nesting is completed, fledglings are on their own, and there is food in plenty. September is vacation time for birds. Who knows but that they are discussing the trip ahead?


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