
念云评教育 2024-01-13 12:53:30
❗还不会有人不知道外语专业考试出题换风向了吧! 📣24年起的「专四、专八&考研」外语类考试都会纳入中国特色相关内容的政经翻译吧! . [氛围感R] 学而不思则confused, 思而不学则die . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 ◽️犯其至难而图其至远 Charge at the toughest and aim at the farthest ◽️向最难之处攻坚,追求最远大的目标 take on the biggest challenges and go after the most ambitious goals ◽️路虽远,行则将至 Long as the journey is, we will reach our destination if we stay the course difficult as the task is ◽️事虽难,做则必成 we will get the job done if we keep working at it 愚公移山的志气、滴水穿石的毅力,脚踏实地,埋头苦干,积跬步以至千里 ◽️ As long as we have the resolve to move mountains and the perseverance to plod on, as long as we keep our feet on the ground and forge ahead with our journey by making steady progress . 加油加油,冲就完事了![鼓掌R]
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