
念云评教育 2024-01-05 01:55:47
❗还不会有人不知道外语专业考试出题换风向了吧! 📣24年起的「专四、专八&考研」外语类考试都会纳入中国特色相关内容的政经翻译吧! . ✨今天一起打卡中国“送礼文化”🙌 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 “送礼”gift-giving/ gift-exchanging 本不该有什么异议 it should not have given rise to disagreement 礼仪之邦 a nation of courtesy 非自愿 involuntary act 变了味 changed its nature 过八成 over 80% 腐败事件 corruption cases ◻️然而,自古是礼仪之邦的中国,其“送礼”行为发展到今天,早已成为一种市场交换行为而非自愿,已经完全变了味了。 However, in China, a nation of courtesy since its ancient time, its “gift-exchanging”, which has evolved till today and changed its nature, has already become an involuntary act of market exchange.
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