
念云评教育 2024-01-05 01:55:35
❗还不会有人不知道外语专业考试出题换风向了吧! 📣24年起的「专四、专八&考研」外语类考试都会纳入中国特色相关内容的政经翻译! . ✨今天一起打卡“摸着石头过河”🙌 . [氛围感R]【译词积累】 ◻️摸着石头过河 Crossing the river by feeling for stones ◻️中国智慧 Chinese wisdom ◻️符合中国国情 specific to contemporary China ◻️大胆探索、勇于开拓 trail blazing efforts ◻️看得准了再推开:“看得准了”,译为identifying ;“推开”,promoting;“看得准了再推开”其实省略了前面提到的最佳实践,故译为identifying and promoting best practices ◻️取得经验、看得准了再推开:有个逻辑顺序,“看得准了再推开”是基于“取得经验”的基础上,故译为identifying and promoting best practices on the basis of lessons learned ◻️改革开放reform and opening up ◻️30多年来 in the past three decades ◻️从农村到城市 from the countryside to the cities ◻️从沿海到内地from coastal areas to the interior ◻️从局部到整体:增译,这里的局部和整体是指局部项目和整体实施,故译为from localized projects to nationwide implementation . 恭喜你,完成今日份学习![鼓掌R]
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