
念云评教育 2023-11-22 21:05:08
🌷 好久没写作文了,收到很多催更 今日分享一篇教育类&哲理类写作 i人和e人,代表着与这个世界相处的不同方式,理应尊重、理解、互补🩵 ◻️ Introverts are often excellent listeners, and their introspection can lead to creative and innovative solutions. 内向的人是优秀的聆听者,善于提供创意性方法。 ◻️ Extroverts excel in networking and have the ability to energize those around them. 外向的人擅长社交、活跃气氛。 ◻️ Embracing and understanding these differences can lead to a more harmonious society. 拥抱理解这些不同之处有助于打造一个更和谐的社会。 🔎可能出题范围:专四专八写作、考编英语写作、考研英语作文、教育学考研论述、四六级写作等 🏷️写作不易~记得❤➕⭐ ✅梳理自己的写作合集噢
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