
美剧单词课程 2024-11-14 04:22:34



“社死”,一个让人闻之色变的词汇,意指在大庭广众之下做出了让自己感觉很尴尬的事情,仿佛社会性死亡一般。然而,直接用“social death”来翻译并不贴切,因为它更多指一个人在社会中被边缘化或排斥,而非单纯的尴尬。那么,地道的英文表达是什么呢?

答案是“ohnosecond”或“fall flat on one's face”。

ohnosecond:这个词非常有趣,它结合了“oh no”和“second”两个词,形象地表达了“糟糕的一瞬”或“后悔的一刻”。当你意识到自己犯了一个无法挽回的错误时,那一刻就是“ohnosecond”。比如:Dave sent his girlfriend pictures of himself with another woman, by accident, regretting it an ohnosecond later. 戴夫不小心把他跟另一个女人的照片发给了他女朋友,他意识到以后后悔不已。fall flat on one's face:这个短语直译为“脸朝下摔倒”,常用来形容某人在尝试做某事时失败得极为狼狈。虽然它不完全等同于“社死”,但在某些情境下,也可以用来形容一个人因尴尬而颜面尽失。比如:I realized in that ohno-second that I shouldn't send my picture with my ex-girlfriend to my current girlfriend. 在那社死的一瞬间,我意识到,我不该把我和前任的照片发给我现任。When he tried to impress the boss with his new idea, he fell flat on his face. 他试图用新想法给老板留下深刻印象,结果却颜面尽失。



involution:意为“退化、萎缩、内卷化”,与“evolution”(演变、发展、进化)相对。在学术研究中,这两个词是一组相对的概念。比如:The increasing competition in the job market has led to a serious involution phenomenon. 就业市场的竞争加剧导致了严重的内卷现象。The education system is facing involution, where students are pushed to compete for limited resources. 教育体系正面临内卷,学生们被迫为有限的资源而竞争。


I feel like I'm caught in a rat race. 我觉得自己陷入了无休止的竞争之中。The pressure from peer competition is driving me crazy. 同辈竞争的压力让我快疯了。I'm so embarrassed; I feel like I've experienced social suicide. 我太尴尬了,感觉像是经历了社会性死亡。That ohnosecond when I realized I made a mistake was painful. 当我意识到自己犯了错误的那一刻,真是痛苦不堪。I fell flat on my face when I tried to present my ideas in front of the whole team. 当我在全队面前展示我的想法时,我颜面尽失。This job is so stressful; it's making me feel like I'm in an involution spiral. 这份工作压力太大了,让我感觉自己陷入了内卷的漩涡。The competition for promotion is so fierce; it's like a never-ending rat race. 晋升的竞争如此激烈,就像一场永无止境的竞赛。I can't take this peer pressure anymore; it's affecting my mental health. 我再也受不了这种同辈压力了,它正在影响我的心理健康。Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions, stuck in this involution trap. 有时候我觉得自己只是在例行公事,陷入了内卷的陷阱。I need to find a way to break out of this rat race and focus on my own growth. 我需要找到一种方法来摆脱这场竞赛,专注于自己的成长。
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