
织朱生活 2024-09-04 00:25:23

1.parking garage 停车场

2.lock-up garage 租用车位

3.be justified by靠......支持

4.the end justifies the means 只要目的是正当的......

5.on the grounds of 基于......理由

6.justify oneself 自圆其说

7.foundation stone 基石

8.foundation cream 粉底霜

9.lean on 依靠......,依赖......

10.lean production 精益生产

11.lean manufacturing 精实生产

12.lean meat 瘦肉

13.lean towards 倾向......,偏向......

14.tug of war 拔河,(两人或两组)竞争激烈

15.heart-tugging 揪心的

16.wooden beam 木梁

17.wooden peg 木钉

18.alternative method 交替法

19.an alternative to可以代替

20.have no alternative but 除......别无选择

21.pan out 奏效

22.flash in the pan昙花一现

23.off base 与事实不相符,错误的

24.be based on 建立在......的基础上

25.base fee 基本费用

26.base pay 基本工资

27.base A on B 以.....为依据

28.A be based on B 基于....

29.dressing gown 晨衣

30.wedding gown 新娘服


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