
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-04-24 16:13:59

Applying for a work visa in China is a complex process for foreigners, requiring meticulous preparation of various documents, some with strict time sensitivities. Ensuring the validity of these documents is crucial to avoid delays in the visa application process.


Key documents needed for a work visa application include:


√A foreigner's work permit application form


√A detailed work qualification certificate


√The highest degree certification documents


√A notarized certificate of no criminal record, which is typically valid for six months (or three months in some countries) from its issue date. This certificate must be obtained from the applicant's country of nationality or habitual residence through agencies like the police, security, court, or notary office. Post-November 7, 2023, Hague Convention member states can use a simplified certification process.


√A health examination report conforming to Chinese provisions, valid for six months from issuance, completed at a designated institution in China.


For the no criminal record certificate, the process involves local notarization, followed by certifications from relevant departments, foreign service, and potentially the Hague Convention. Documents obtained in Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan must be notarized locally, and all non-Chinese materials should include a Chinese translation.


Regarding the health examination certificate, foreigners must commit to providing it upon entry or submit one issued by a Chinese inspection and quarantine authority to apply for the Work Permit for Foreigners in China.


Since November 7, 2023, with the Convention's effect on China, additional documents may be required for visa, residence permit, and permanent residence ID card applications. These include consular certifications of birth, marriage, education certificates, and other documents, along with data change certificates and no criminal record documents. Consular certification procedures still apply to non-Contracting States or public instruments not covered by the Convention.


Applicants should be mindful of the timeliness of their documents and ensure all materials are complete and accurately translated to navigate the work visa application process successfully.


Foreign nationals in China must adhere to specific regulations regarding their temporary accommodation as outlined by the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China. Here's a simplified summary of the key points:


Hotel Stay: Foreigners residing in hotels or similar establishments are required to present a valid passport or residence certificate and complete a temporary accommodation registration form.


Staying with Chinese Residents: If a foreigner is staying at a Chinese citizen's home, the citizen or the foreigner must, within 24 hours of arrival, present the foreigner's passport and the resident's certificate to the local police station or household registration office within a 72-hour window.


Foreign Institution Accommodation: Foreigners living in a foreign institution's premises in China or in a private foreign residence must report to the local public security organ within 24 hours and complete the temporary accommodation registration.


Mobile Accommodation: For those temporarily staying in mobile accommodations such as房车 (recreational vehicles), they must also notify the local public security organ within 24 hours. Entities or individuals providing such mobile accommodations are similarly obligated to report to the authorities within the same timeframe.

移动住宿:对于那些暂时住在移动住宿的人,如房车 (房车),还必须在24小时内通知当地公安机关。提供此类移动住宿的实体或个人同样有义务在同一时间内向当局报告。

These rules are in place to maintain an orderly registry of foreign residents and ensure compliance with immigration and residency laws. It is the responsibility of both the foreigner and the Chinese host or institution to ensure adherence to these regulations.


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