
文案巧思坊 2024-06-30 17:07:24

1. 女人主动联系你,不是因为她闲得无聊,而是因为她心里装着你。这种“骚扰”,请多来点!

A woman initiates contact with you, not because she's bored, but because she has you in her heart. Please, more of this "harassment"!

2. 频繁的联系,不是她无话可说,而是她想把生活点滴都与你分享。这种“唠叨”,简直甜到心坎里!

Frequent contact isn't because she has nothing to say; it's because she wants to share every bit of her life with you. This kind of "nagging" is pure sweetness!


An unexpected message from her isn't a whim; it's the courage she musters to get closer to you. Please accept this "surprise attack"!

4. 女人若是真的喜欢你,她的每一句话都像是在说:“你看,我多在乎你呀!”

When a woman really likes you, every word she speaks seems to say, "Look how much I care about you!"

5. 别问女人为什么总联系你,因为她可能正在悄悄地把你的号码设为“特别关注”。

Don't ask why a woman always contacts you; perhaps she's secretly set your number as a "special attention".

6. 女人的喜欢,有时候就像是一杯热咖啡,虽然不常喝,但每次品尝都让人回味无穷。

A woman's affection is sometimes like a cup of hot coffee; not drunk often, but each sip is memorable.

7. 如果一个女人总是主动联系你,那她可能是想成为你生活中不可或缺的一部分。恭喜你,你中奖了!

If a woman always initiates contact with you, she might be trying to become an indispensable part of your life. Congratulations, you've hit the jackpot!

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