
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-05-06 09:50:31

The latest figures have revealed a significant increase in the number of foreign visitors to various Chinese cities in recent months, as a result of more tailored measures provided to facilitate the entry and stay of visa-exempt foreigners.

最新数据显示,近几个月来,前往中国多个城市的外国游客数量大幅增加,原因是由于采取了更宽松的措施,方便了免签证的外国人入境和停留。The number of foreign nationals visiting China in the first quarter increased more than threefold year-on-year, the National Immigration Administration said on Thursday.国家移民局周四表示,今年第一季度赴华入境的外国人数量同比增加了三倍多。Immigration authorities nationwide have recorded over 141 million entries and exits in the first three months, marking a 117.8 percent increase year-on-year. Among them, foreign nationals made 13.07 million entries and exits, showing an increase of 305.2 percent year-on-year, said Lin Yongsheng, spokesman for the administration.前三个月,全国移民局登记了超过1.41亿名出入境人员,同比增长117.8%。国家政府发言人林永生表示,其中外国人出入境1307万人次,同比增长305.2%。The countries with the highest number of visitors to China include the United States, Australia and Canada, as well as China's neighboring countries such as Russia, Vietnam and Myanmar, according to the administration.据政府称,到中国游客数量最多的国家包括美国、澳大利亚和加拿大,以及中国的邻国俄罗斯、越南和缅甸。Visitors from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, including South Korea, Japan and Malaysia, also see China as an important destination for sightseeing and business.来自东亚和东南亚国家,包括韩国、日本和马来西亚的游客,也将中国视为一个观光和商务的重要目的地。The majority of foreign visitors, over 30 percent, come to China for traveling, followed by purposes such as business, visiting relatives and friends, work and study.大多数超过30%的外国游客是来中国旅游的,其次是商务、探亲、工作和学习等目的。The administration has introduced a series of immigration and entry-exit measures to continuously optimize visa-free entry.


Since last year, China has implemented visa exemption policies for 15 countries. To date, nearly 989,000 foreigners from these countries have entered China visa-free, accounting for over 60 percent of the total visitors.自去年以来,中国已对15个国家实施了免签证政策。迄今为止,来自这些国家的近989.9万名外国人免签证进入中国,占游客总数的60%以上。In July, China reinstated a 15-day visa exemption policy for ordinary passport holders from Singapore and Brunei coming for business, tourism and family visits as well as for transit.今年7月,中国恢复了对来自新加坡和文莱的普通护照持有人的出差、旅游、探亲以及过境等普通护照持有人为期15天的签证豁免政策。In December and March, the country unilaterally adopted a visa exemption policy for ordinary passport holders from 12 countries mainly in Europe, including France, Germany, Italy and Ireland. On March 1, the mutual visa exemption agreement between China and Thailand also took effect.去年12月和3月,该国单方面对法国、德国、意大利和爱尔兰等12个欧洲国家的普通护照持有人实施了免签证政策。3月1日,中泰双方的免签证协议也开始生效。Efficient and convenient customs services have been provided to facilitate the stay of visa-exempt foreign nationals, Lin said.林说,政府提供了高效和方便的海关服务,以方便免签证外国人的逗留。Since China launched five measures in January to further facilitate the entry of foreign nationals, 211,000 foreigners have entered China by obtaining port visas upon arrival, and approximately 253,000 foreign nationals in China have applied for services such as visa extension, replacement and reissue, Lin said.林说,自中国1月份推出五项进一步便利外国人入境的措施以来,已有21.1万名外国人通过获得港口签证入境,约有25.3万名外国人申请了签证延期、更换和补发等服务。"The measures have made it more convenient for foreign nationals to visit and stay in China, and immigration authorities have enhanced the efficiency of services for foreigners residing in the country," he said.他说:“这些措施使外国人访问中国和停留更方便,移民当局也提高了对居住在中国的外国人的服务效率。”The new measures include relaxing port visa application requirements, canceling border check procedures for foreigners who transit at major airports within 24 hours, and simplifying visa application documents for foreigners already in China.新措施包括放宽港口签证申请要求,取消对24小时内在主要机场过境的外国人的边境检查程序,以及简化已经在中国的外国人的签证申请文件。A total of 6.357 million ordinary passports were issued from January to March, a 24 percent increase year-on-year, according to the administration.据政府称,今年1月至3月,美国政府共发放了635.7万本普通护照,同比增长24%。The number of visas and documents issued to foreigners increased 118.8 percent year-on-year to 466,000, while the number of foreigners entering China visa-free rose by 266.1 percent year-on-year to 1.99 million, it added.向外国人发放的签证和文件数量同比增加118.8%,至46.6万份,而进入中国的外国人免签数量同比增加266.1%,至199万份。More reasons have been added for visa-free entry to Hainan province for people from 59 countries including Russia, the United Kingdom and France, allowing visitors to stay in the province for multiple purposes, including medical care and sports competitions, for no more than 30 days, the administration announced in February.更多的原因已经增加了免签证入境海南省从59个国家包括俄罗斯、英国和法国,允许游客呆在省多种目的,包括医疗和体育比赛,不超过30天,政府2月宣布。"Nearly 50,000 foreign nationals have entered the province visa-free in the past two months," Lin said, adding that the number will keep rising with the gradual restoration of international flights.林说:“在过去两个月里,已有近5万名外国人免签证进入该省。”他补充说,随着国际航班的逐步恢复,这一数字将继续上升。In addition, Fujian Provincial Public Security Bureau has issued 90,000 five-year mainland travel permits for Taiwan residents this year, a 56.4 percent year-on-year increase.此外,福建省公安局今年已经为台湾居民发放了9万张五年期大陆旅行许可证,同比增长56.4%。Also, Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, and Qingdao in Shandong province, were added to the Individual Visit Scheme with effect from March 6, allowing eligible people in those two cities to apply for individual visit endorsements for Hong Kong and Macao.此外,陕西省省会西安和山东省青岛也从3月6日起生效,允许这两个城市的合格人士为香港和澳门申请个人访问背书。Holders of these endorsements will be permitted to stay in the two cities for a maximum of seven days per visit.


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