
旧游成梦寐 2024-09-17 13:38:32


Being more cautious about life and anticipating risks in advance is certainly rational and safe, but being too cautious can actually increase consumption.


Life never has a perfect answer sheet. Instead of constantly looking around and hesitating, it's better to walk the road ahead steadily.


Those who are blessed by luck do not possess exceptional abilities, but rather the courage to seize opportunities.


As stated in the Spring and Autumn Annals of Yanzi, 'Those who act often succeed, and those who walk often arrive.'.


When opportunities and challenges arise, it is advisable to start by taking action and continuously optimizing oneself, so that success can gradually approach.


In one's lifetime, it is inevitable to have regrets and irretrievable heartache.


No matter how much we lament, it cannot take us back to the past, it will only add pressure to ourselves.


It's better to keep moving forward with the pace of time rather than being trapped in the past and carving boats for swords. Live up to every present, and the life you desire will come flying by.


When we look at the past from a broader perspective, we will discover that the things that troubled us in the past were actually hidden deep meanings in fate.


If you are also standing at the crossroads of fate and cannot help but doubt yourself, why not be firm and bravely continue to move forward.


Whether experiencing wind and frost, or enduring rain and dew, every step we take forward, in the long run, is to meet a better version of ourselves.

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