
文案巧思坊 2024-06-21 17:07:18

1. 当她说“我去洗澡了”,可能她真的只是去洗澡了,但也可能是在告诉你,你的话题比肥皂剧还让人想逃。

When she says "I'm going to take a shower", it's possible that she's just going to take a shower, but it's also possible that she's telling you that your topic is even more evasive than a soap opera.

2. 红包不是聊天的入场券,但如果你发现每次聊天都得先“付款”,那可能你正在和ATM机谈恋爱。

Red envelopes are not admission tickets for chatting, but if you find that you have to "pay" every time you chat, it may be that you are in a relationship with an ATM machine.

3. 如果她总是用“你以为你是谁”来打压你,那么她可能需要一副眼镜,因为这样她才能看清楚你是谁。

If she always uses "who do you think you are" to suppress you, then she may need a pair of glasses so that she can see clearly who you are.

4. 当她问起“你哪个帅帅的朋友最近干嘛呢”,别急着介绍,可能她只是想要换个频道,看看有没有更有趣的节目。

When she asks, "What's your handsome friend doing lately?" Don't rush to introduce yourself, maybe she just wants to change channels and see if there are any more interesting programs.

5. 如果“我在忙”成了她的口头禅,那她可能真的忙,忙着避开和你深入交流的机会。

If "I'm busy" becomes her catchphrase, then she may really be busy, avoiding opportunities for in-depth communication with you.

6. 被打压不是成长的必经之路,如果她总是用贬低来“激励”你,那她可能更适合去当拳击教练。

Being suppressed is not a necessary path to growth. If she always uses belittlement to "motivate" you, then she may be more suitable to become a boxing coach.

7. 爱情不是一场交易,如果她总是先看红包再决定聊天的热度,那你们的关系可能比股市还不稳定。

Love is not a transaction. If she always looks at red envelopes before deciding the popularity of chatting, then your relationship may be even more unstable than the stock market.

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