
设计日本 2024-09-10 17:28:54


米诺斯文明是爱琴海的古代文明,在古希腊出现,克里特岛是该文明主要发展的地方。过了几个世纪,一座酒店崛起于米诺斯,它的名字叫做Kalesma Hotel,将现代极简主义和古希腊文明完美地融合起来。


Kalesma chooses beige and grey to set the overall tone of purity, allowing visitors to feel elegant and light luxury in an idyllic natural environment, and explore the secrets of Minoan.


Minoan civilization, more precisely the civilization of Crete. It can be regarded as an island secondary civilization of the ancient Asian and African continent civilization in the Mediterranean Sea. The hotel is surrounded by the beginnings of the deep blue sea.


The designer adopts a modern minimalist style, and the overall design looks very spacious and bright, making this hotel a Minoan "village", which looks peaceful and mysterious. Tourists come to this place to watch the sunrise and sunset, which is simply fantastic.


This "village" hotel has a total of 2 villas and 25 rooms designed. The stone is gray and white, which makes the space look more unique and has a very light and luxurious atmosphere. The unique design of the small wall lamps makes the overall texture of the space. Lift and make the space look clean and tidy.


There are a total of 90 cities in Crete, the most important one being the original site of Nossos. Minoan traditions and legacy architecture are its inspirations.


In the interior design of this hotel, natural marble countertops are used to separate the space, which looks very textured. The color matching is low-saturation, full of high-level sense, and the French retro style is very elegant and generous, which perfectly shows the designer's outstanding ability.


Most of the furniture is by Greek craftsmen and individual artists and looks different. Special attention is paid to the collocation of soft furnishing elements, in order to create an elegant living environment where minimalism and modernity coexist for the residents.


K-Studio是一家建筑室内设计公司,它的总部位于希腊雅典。创始人是Dimitris和Konstantinos Karampatakis。他们的风格非常独特,专心于实现住宅室内设计和品牌建筑,每个细节都精确把握。同时也将高端技术解决方案结合起来,因为个性独特让他从众多工作室中颖而出,服务范围十分广泛,只为客户提供最完美的结果。

K-Studio is an architectural interior design company headquartered in Athens, Greece. The founders are Dimitris and Konstantinos Karampatakis. Their style is very unique, focusing on the realization of residential interiors and brand architecture, with precision in every detail. He also combines high-end technical solutions, because his unique personality makes him stand out from many studios, and the range of services is very wide, providing only the most perfect results for the client.

其他佳作Vora Villas

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