
设计日本 2024-09-05 16:36:46




Art and scale are relatively balanced, creating romantic details and laying the foundation for higher end artistic concepts.


Integrated dining and living room layout, with side walls covering some areas to achieve self independence. The combination of beautiful layered design, color matching, and block intersection creates a unique aesthetic aesthetic.


Geometric aesthetics are applied in ceiling design, combining the curled edge elements of the hall and the sloping style walkway to create an elegant atmosphere. Relaxing furniture achieves a pattern of dynamic and static integration between cold and warm, giving a diverse experience.


The wide study, combined with the large french window on the side, outlines the modern minimalist style under the wooden white rendering. Wood elements represent home attributes, and when paired with a black restaurant, they give an immersive beauty.


The hall has been extended to a restaurant, with more storage areas added. Red art decorations are integrated into the dining area as green plants, adding a lively and unrestrained touch to the color scheme.


The master bedroom features a deep color scheme combined with extensive walnut wood decoration, creating a versatile and understated space. The window sill forms a temporary sleeping space, mixed with soft bedding to improve sleep quality.

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