
扬新评课程 2024-08-15 02:50:27
Paris Olympics The Paris Olympics are a big sports event. Athletes from all over the world come to compete. They run,swim,and jump in different sports. The Olympics are very exciting and fun to watch. The city of Paris is beautiful and has many famous landmarks. People wave colorful flags and cheer for their teams. Athletes win medals for being the best. The Paris Olympics bring people together and make everyone happy. 巴黎奥运会是一项大型体育赛事。来自世界各地的运动员前来参赛。他们在不同的运动项目中跑步、游泳和跳跃。观看‬奥运会非常‬兴奋和有趣。巴黎是一座‬美丽的城市,有许多著名的地标。人们挥舞着彩旗‬为自己的队伍‬欢呼。运动员们‬赢得奖牌是因为他们是最棒的。巴黎奥运会把人们聚集在一起并‬带给‬每个人‬欢乐‬。
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