
美剧单词课程 2024-09-27 02:24:28


一、快递放哪里?How to Ask Where the Parcel Should Be Placed?

解释:当我们需要知道快递员应该将包裹放在哪里时,可以直接询问“快递放哪里?”这句话的英文表达是“Where should I leave the package?” 或者更日常化的“Where do you want me to put the delivery?”。


“Excuse me, where should I leave the package for apartment 302?”(请问,302室的包裹我应该放在哪里?)“Hello, could you please tell me where you want me to put the delivery?”(您好,请问您希望我把快递放在哪里?)

二、快递追踪 Tracking Your Parcel

解释:快递追踪是了解包裹运输状态的重要方式。在英文中,我们通常会说“track my package”或“check the tracking status”。


“I'm trying to track my package online, but I can't find the tracking number.”(我正在网上追踪我的包裹,但找不到追踪号。)“Can you give me an update on the tracking status of my order?”(你能给我更新一下我的订单的追踪状态吗?)

三、快递延误 Parcel Delay

解释:当快递未能按时送达时,我们称之为“快递延误”。在英文中,常用“delay”或“late delivery”来表达这一情况。


“I'm afraid my package has been delayed. Could you check why?”(恐怕我的包裹延误了。你能查一下原因吗?)“I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but there has been a delay in your late delivery.”(给您带来不便,但您的快递有所延误。)

四、快递取件 Pick Up Your Parcel

解释:当快递到达指定地点,需要收件人自行取件时,我们可以说“pick up my package”或“collect my delivery”。


“I'll be at the post office tomorrow to pick up my package.”(我明天会去邮局取包裹。)“Please note that you need to collect your delivery from the reception desk.”(请注意,您需要从前台取件。)

五、快递投诉 Complaint About the Delivery



“I'd like to file a complaint about the poor handling of my package.”(我想就包裹处理不当提出投诉。)“The delivery was late and the package was damaged. I'd like to speak to someone about this complaint.”(快递延误且包裹损坏,我想就这个问题进行投诉。)



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