
香课程 2024-03-03 08:12:02


break a leg


除了Good luck,你恐怕没想到break a leg竟然也表示“祝你好运”吧。该习语中字面意思表示“打断腿”,主要用来喻指“a jovial encouragement, said to actors for good luck before they go on stage, especially on an opening night”,即“一种愉快的鼓励,在演员上台前,特别是在开幕之夜,对他们说祝他们好运”,相当于汉语里的“祝好运;祝成功;祝顺利”。


So break a leg. I'll be in the front row.


Break a leg tomorrow at your job interview. I hope that you'll get the job.


To wish an actor prior to his going on stage to "break a leg" is a well-known practice.



该习语乍听起来像是坏话,是诅咒,其实是源于舞台表演的场合。以前舞台演员们都迷信上台之前不能听到类似“Good luck”这样的好话,因为实际结果往往会与此相反。

此外,break一词其实有“弯曲”的含义,所以break a leg也有“屈膝”的意思,用来代指舞台演员在表演结束后向观众行屈膝礼,进而喻指“表演成功”。比如,当年美国的报纸《The Charleston Gazette》在其名为《Ask The Gazette》的栏目里有过这样的报道(1948年5月):

"Q. What are some of the well-known superstitions of the theatre?

A. Superstitions of the stage are numerous and many are particular to individual actors and actresses. That it is bad luck to whistle in a dressing room is a widely accepted belief. Another is that one actor should not wish another good luck before a performance but say instead 'I hope you break a leg."



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